A rainbow for you...


On our short daily walks we pass many rainbows hanging in peoples windows and I thought I would make a rope version for a good friend of mine who lives on the same street. I had it in mind to make it for mother’s day, she became a mum too just 3 weeks after me but it’s taken me two months to make! Anyway, I thought I would write a tutorial incase there was anyone out there that would like one too.


What you will need:
20mm twisted rope, thin wire, masking tape, wool in various colours, wool needle, sharp scissors

Step 01:
Using your sharp scissors cut your smallest piece of rope so it is 25cm in length. So the rope doesn’t unravel wrap some masking tape around each end. Cut some wire so it is the same length as your rope and secure with the masking tape, this will help to keep the shape of your rainbow. Repeat this step but cutting each piece of rope slightly longer than the last, making sure you measure it against the last piece as shown in the image above.


Step 02:
Once all your pieces are cut you can now start to wrap each piece of rope with your wool. Working with the smallest piece of rope first. Take your wool and place the end next to your piece of rope, fold the wool over and start to wrap around the rope. Keep wrapping until you reach the other end. I have left about 2 inches of rope either end to create my fringe.

Step 03:
Once you have reached the end, trim your wool and leave about 20cm. Thread your wool through you wool needle and push the needle back through your wrapped wool and pull through. Trim the excess wool.


Step 04:
This is your first piece completed. Unravel the rope at each end to create your fringe. As you can see they are a little uneven but would leave any trimming until the end.

Step 05:
Repeat the last 3 steps until you have wrapped all your pieces of rope. Lay them all out so you are happy with the pattern before you sew them all together.


Step 06:
Thread your wool needle and start sewing your wrapped pieces of rope together. Run your needle under the wrapped wool going back and forth between each colour. Repeat this until you have sewn all the rainbow arches together.

Step 07:
Once all your pieces are sewn together you can give your fringe a trim using your sharp scissors. Thread a piece of cord through the top piece of rope and your rainbow

Lucy Rowan